Unexpected Benefits from Visiting a Chiropractor in Staten Island

Staten Island chiropractors are licensed to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system and related disorders. Most of these general practitioners work in their own private offices, while others may work in a facility that includes both a clinic and a health center. The primary responsibility of a chiropractor is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Some chiropractors provide primary care for patients, while others refer their patients to an appropriate health center or expert for further treatment.

Chiropractic Staten Island

The treatment of spine problems is an important service provided by a chiropractor. Often, an injury can cause damage to the nervous system and result in chronic pain and neurological disorders. Often, the treatment of these conditions will result in improvements to the patient's quality of life.

The chiropractor will most often begin the treatment regimen with a thorough examination. X-rays and CT scans will help the practitioner to determine the severity and location of the pain. Treatment options will include therapeutic massage, physical therapy, and spinal adjustments. Physical therapy can be useful for those with an injury that causes pain from the stiffness of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Spinal adjustments are used to realign the spine and are generally recommended for mild to moderate cases of pain and dysfunction.

Also Read: Women's Health Center Staten Island

Women's Health Center is a comprehensive women's health center located on Staten Island that serves both men and women. The center offers a comprehensive range of services designed to promote self-esteem, improve overall health, and prevent disease. Many of the services provided by this facility are free, while some are covered by some insurance plans.

There are many chiropractors on Staten Island that focus on treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Staten Island Pain management is one specialty of this type of practice. Through proper diagnosis and treatment, back, neck, joint and other disorders can be managed effectively. Chiropractors also provide treatment for issues such as menstrual pain, women's health concerns such as yeast infections and fertility problems, and pregnancy. Women in labor often receive pain medication during childbirth and may find that their pregnancy is improved as a result.

Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation or adjustments in a non-invasive office. If a patient has concerns about their back, neck or hip, they should schedule an appointment to speak with a chiropractor. The techniques are simple and do not require surgery, which makes them safe for patients. In fact, there are very few risks to be taken when it comes to spinal manipulation or adjustments by a licensed chiropractor.

Contact us for more information about the chiropractor and his chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, and massage therapy via call at 718-502-5271 the email (info@newuphysicaltherapy.com) or visit my website.

Original Source: Unexpected Benefits from Visiting a Chiropractor in Staten Island


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